April 12th 2019 - Happy release
Thanks to everyone who pre-ordered the album!
Get your physical CDs and shirts here
Those who prefer to stream or have the album in digital form can check here:
The CD is also distributed by:
Germany/Austria: Soulfood
Switzerland: Non Stop Music
BeNeLux: Suburban/Bertus
UK/Ireland: PHD
USA: Amped / Alliance
Italy: Audioglobe
Spain: Avispa Music S.L.
Portugal: Compact Records
Norway/Denmark : Border Sweden: Sound Pollution
Japan: Disc Union
Australia: Rocker
Israel: Raven
Czech Rep./Slowakia: Mystic Prod. CZ
France: Season Of Mist
South Africa: Soul Candi Distribution
Finland: Supersound Music
Denmark: Target Bulgaria: Wizard Ltd.
March 28th 2019 - Pre-order
Preorder CDs as well as new T-Shirts.
Release date April 12th 2019!

March 4th 2019 - Falland Vörandi
Many years have passed, but April 12th our "Falland Vörandi" re-release will be available!
And it's more than just a repress, because first of all
the Drumcomputer of the original recording was replaced
by real played and recorded acoustic drums, and also
everything got remixed & remastered and got a new
artwork aswell.
- „Nannas Klage Prolog“, an intro to the Nannas Klage
video, that hasn't been released on CD yet.
- The previously unreleased instrumental „Heimdall“,
which was writtten and recorded for „Das Atmen der Erde“
but didn't end up on that album in the end.
„Stille“, a song that was written by Skaldir in 1998,
but wasn't used for the „Orloeg“ album. It was recorded
in the „Das Atmen der Erde“ session and gets released
for the first time now.
You can (pre)order the album in our Shop, or via Einheit Produktionen, which also got a good distributer.
It will also be available digital on all known
platforms April 12th.
In the shop there is also more HEL merch together with
CDs and LPs of Skaldirs new Epic Metal project ASH OF
May 22nd 2013 - Pagan Midgard Art
Now you
can find our reworked 2004 release "Pagan Midgard Art"
on iTunes,
MP3, Spotify
Back then it was released as a limited (473 pieces) 10"
The track list is following:
1. Hamingia
2. Othala
3. Ich bin die Macht
4. Åses Tod (by Edvard Grieg)
5. Nordstern
All tracks got remixed, remastered and got a proper bass
We didn't include the Manowar cover song out of legal
As a special gift for all the owners of the original 10"
we agreed on sending you those new versions as Mp3's for
free when you send us a picture of your number on the
backcover. Just send us a message with the attached
photo at facebook
or via e-mail at
December 21st 2012 – The End
Lass' uns gehen, Abschied nehmen
Aus alter Asche sticht keine Flamme mehr
Not the world ends today, but after 18 years the project HEL does.
Some may have sensed it, because every album ended with a farewell song.
„Spuren“ („Traces“) on „Orloeg“, „Abschied“ („Farewell“) on „Falland Vörandi“ and „Schrei ins Nichts“ („Screaming into the void“) of the „Tristheim“-album.
With „Neun Gestade tiefer“ („Nine shores deeper“) the farewell is now final. And the farewell date was written with the playing time of that song.
Until „Das Atmen der Erde“ the next step was always clear and neccessary to reach aim with „Das Atmen der Erde“. There won't be a new album, the project HEL is now fulfilled.
Vollendet ist all unser Begehr'n,
verlangt nun zur Reise ohne Wiederkehr
If our fans want us to release the songs that have been written over the years but didn't end up on an album, we will do it.
There are also plans to release a reworked version of „Falland Vörandi“, because it's long sold out. We don't depart this world. You can still write us, make an interview with us and order something at our webshop. New music will not be recorded for HEL though.
...zu Singen die alten Lieder,
bis sich alles der Stille ergibt
Sanft weht Silberstrahl herüber
Als der Kreis sich schließt
Neun Gestade tiefer
Thanks to all those who sincerely supported our art over the years. Your words to us will stay as our music will stay for you. Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.
Skaldir, Valdr & Hamar – December 2012
November 24th 2012
Until end of the year most articles in our webshop are heavily discounted. For example the new CD "Das Atmen der Erde" for only 9.99 €! Don't miss it and place your order before December, 31st 2012.
October 15th 2012
Some new reviews appeared. Amonst others in the Legacy Magazin #80, where we got 13/15 points.
Review Metal Observer 9,5/10
Review Obscure Zine
We also did a little video clip for our song "Von Reiter und Flutross" and printed some Lady T-shirts that you can find in our shop in the category merchandise.

July 29th 2012
Finally some good news for all who have asked us about a shirt!
We made a limited print run of shirts with just the logo on the front (M - XXL) that we can offer you for a good price.
Only available at our webshop - order now!

Also check the bundle of shirt and CD for a very special price.
new reviews:
Valhalla Promotions
new interview:
Xtreemmusic (Spanisch)
July 2nd 2012
We're happy to show you our brand new music video that was shot for the song "Wo die Tannen thronen".
The video was shot in HEL's homeland „The sour lands“.
We also produced the video on our own.
In addition you can win two copies of the „Das Atmen der Erde“ CD.
- You can win one CD by commenting the video on Youtube
- Facebook friends can win another CD by sharing the video on their wall.
Double your chances by doing both.
The prize drawing starts today and ends July 8th 2012.
After that the winners will get message from the band.
Good luck!
June 27th 2012
We did an interview (German) with "Des Kutscher's Kunst" and got a new review in online magazin "FFM-Rock".
Next mondy we will finally release the music video for "Wo die Tannen thronen". We spend a lot of time with it and can't wait to show you the result. Here are some impressions for you.

That day we will also give away two "Das Atmen der Erde" CDs. Stay tuned for more infos.
May 23rd 2012
Now you can find a few copies of older Hel albums in our Webshop
Just take a look.
A new review from Northwind Promotion just arrived
A new review from Paranoid Zine arrived
May 17th 2012
Some more reviews and interviews have arrived
Interview - Metal Soundscapes (English)
Interview - Sturmglanz
Review - Des Kutscher's Kunst 10/10
Review - Threnodies 98/100
May 3rd 2012
Now you can find a long interview (in German) about the new album at MetalmessageApril 30th 2012
„Das Atmen der Erde“ is finally available digital now!You can find it worldwide in all known download portals.
Also you can still order the digipack CD (limited to 1.000 copies) at our webshop.
The album was recorded and mixed at Kalthallen by Skaldir.
The bass guitar sound though was mixed by Dan Swanö at Unisound.
Thanks again, Dan!
Furthermore we're currently working on a music video which should be released in a few weeks.
April 22nd 2012
The first album reviews appeared. (German)Metalmessage
Nocturnal Poetry
Please feel free to write your own review at Amazon if you bought a CD
Furthermore we're working on a music video. Stay tuned!
April 7th - 2012
Atmen der Erde" is now available! Thanks to all who
pre-ordered the album. It has been shipped already.
You can get the new CD in our shop and at Amazon.
Further we have made a clip for you to see how the
Digipack looks like.
Thanks for watching. If you like it please share and
spread the link, because we need your support!
Mar 22nd - 2012
few months ago we had announced that we would reveal the
name of our future label shortly, and so now that name
will be... direct selling!
Within the last few weeks a lot has happened, which has
eventually led to our releasing our upcoming album "Das
Atmen der Erde" (The Breathing of the Earth) ourselves.
We don't agree with the current music industry
Neither are we willing to surrender the ownership rights
of our music until the end of time, nor do we want to
relinquish the authority over it to people who want to
use the band's achievements to keep most of the already
small profit.
We want to drop out of that game they are playing and
thus go back to our roots.
The CD will be available directly in our shop -->
the end of March/early April. Our digipak CD has been
designed lovingly and provided with a booklet of 20
pages containing many atmospheric pictures and the
complete lyrics.
For the first time ever in HEL's history we have real
drums played by Andreas Hafner. The album charms with a
powerful and transparent sound that makes full use of
every trademark of epic metal.
You won't find any reviews of the album in print or
Internet magazines before the actual release, as we want
to do without any large-scale promotion.
In times of total marketing overkills it has become
difficult to keep track.
But from our point of view Internet with its many means
of communication offers the opportunity to discover
bands much more easily yourself again.
And this is where you, the HEL fans, come into play.
As we have funded the complete production of our album
ourselves, you can support us by buying our CD or the
digital release and hence enable its refinancing.
This way you will be in direct contact with us and will
leave common roads behind.
It doesn't take much; tell your friends about our album,
post a comment in social networks or forums, let the
music inspire you to make your own video and upload it
on YouTube.
There are countless possibilities, and every single
contribution would make us very happy.
The Digipak CD can be preordered in our shop as of now
and will be delivered with a HEL button and patch at the
price of 13 Euro plus cost of shipping and packaging.
Payment can be made through bank transfer or PayPal.
Enjoy our brandnew teaser in the Reverbnation band
profile player!
Thank you! Skaldir, Hamar & Valdr
Mar 9th - 2012

Nov 23rd - 2011
It was this weekend, when the band came together again. We could present the whole album to our prospective label. We will announce the label's name soon.
Aug 18th - 2011
Although it looked like we would never finish the new
album, now the end is in reach. Last weekend we all came
together and the last missing lyrics have been
completed. We also can announce that 11 of the 12 Songs
are finished. So only one last song needs to be sung.
This song will be the album closer and at the same time
one of the most epic Hel songs of all time.
The last days have been productive for HEL. Six of the twelve songs are allready finished.
For the remaining tracks only the vocals are missing.
So the release approaches.

Dec26th - 2010
MAERE is a very special sampler. Its really impressive how much love has been put into this wooden box. We're happy to be a part of it! Our contribution is "Die Mär des alten Seemanns", which was a leftover of the TRISTHEIM recordings. Here's a list of all compilation artists:
In Gowan Ring
Neun Welten
Find more infos here

Aug 7th - 2010
Check out our new Youtube-Channel There you can find a lot of rare videos and interviews and even a live video.